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· 我爱你 · I LOVE YOU · Tii AMO · SA RANG HAE YO · Aii SHii TE RU · JE T'AiiME Y
.Monday, August 23, 2010 ' Monday, August 23, 2010
wah!! famine 30 ady over~~
so fast.. >_<

21/8/10 - 22/8/10
26 hours ♣ SJK(C) Perempuan Klang
4 hours ♣ Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil
Slogan ♥ 为孩子打造无贫城市 ♥ Light Up Their Life! ♥

1st day (21/8) SJK(C) Perempuan Klang

sit ah zhor's car go to destination
wait for register..
it is so many ppl =-=
we queue up and wait for ei vin
she go to wrong place..
*erhm.. i nt sure which place is she going.. mayb is secondary? i think so *
after register
we have choose which group we go
oh yeah~~
we go for group 12!
except 5 of us, others is guys ==

Boy Gang *ignore eivin xD*

Girl Gang
Group 12 Member

we go to buy t-shirt..
we go to our group..
put our bag
go change clothes..
forget to introduce our KETUA!
he is
Kah Yin
this year form 4 =)

after we change our clothes
we sit in a round,
and we start introduce ourself ^^
*dis process is i the most hate d.. i dun like to introduce myself =( *
after introduce,
we think our group name n slogan..
our group name is United States
¤ Slogan ¤
mcd, kfc, pizza hut,我们charity饥饿30 不容易齐心赶走恶势力!!...* 爱的鼓励!! *uss!!!

we having our ICE-BREAK's game
they gif us few words,
and call us to pass the word to behind's group members..
last group member nid to write d word in full and passup to them..
our group's so funny!
dunno why they write 'dad' ,.. *sumthings else, i 4get ady*

Group 12!

after dat,
they bring us go to hall,
our shoes are put in a classroom
in the hall
they teach us 手语
song is
return by yise ♩ 罗忆诗
we have our mission
* i ady 4get wat d mission name d , 好像 is xx留生者*
we break into 2 groups..
kah yin bring 1 group
alvin bring 1 group
we nid to get a lot of "money" to buy "food coupon"
either is do 非法 work or work or go to beg or wait ppl to gif out
so tired to playing dis >_<
den we go back to hall n rest again..
rest for no long time
we have another mission
dis mission is call us to done all d 9 station
1st station监狱dis is call us find answer for d question they given
2nd station 盲人过桥 say until dis game i oso feel paiseh
dis game nid a member carry another member n walk over many 阻碍's place
carry by member d nid to gif instruction to walk over it
i call quite big size's alvin carry me bt im so heavy >_<
i wan to ask him: alvin, ur hand gt pain after dat?? >_<
sorry!! >_< 3rd station躲避球 dis is 2 group play 2gether
we lose at last because another group is so bo gam wan..
scare lost! they memang ady kena d "ball"
bt they jz act ntg happen!!
kia shu!! *dun1 say them liao la, say liao oso bo song!*
4th station123木头人 dis is 4 ppl a line walk over d "陷阱"
5th stationkwan shen 说 dis is follow their instruction n do..
bt have condition, d instruction must have " kwan shen 说"
6th station 不知道 dis nid us to "kiap" d sponge using our leg n pass to beside's group member n center's 2 ppl nid to press d water into a bottle
7th station 不懂 dis nid us tie d nail n put it into a bottle and carry d bottle..
8th station 二人三足 i think nt dis name, coz many ppl in a row, so nt 2 ppl.. dis no nid to explain d lor
9th stationfind kwan shen
finish dis 9 station, we go bek to d hall n rest
we prepare our mood to wait for concert ^^
宇珩 、凌加峻 、Yise 罗忆诗 、Diana 刘婉莹 、Hau 徐仕豪 、Adrian 陈凯旋 、Eddie 赖勇霖 、Kido & Wee

dis concert finish at 2sumthings..
after dat we prepare to sleep
at nite, is coldddd.....
i cant sleep >_<
Girl Gang
Who is THIS??
Ignore me pls !!
Better xD
2nd day (22/8) Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil
around 10am
we sit bus go to Bukit Jalil
stupid d lor!!
we so late jz go in!!
dunno they at outside do wat..
waste our time!!
make us sit bhind!!
so sien!!
no high at all!!!
stand up jz like wan fall down
so dangerous
aiya.. i dun1 write abt dis day..
so bored v it..

嘉宾 张智成、张栋梁、梁静如、罗忆诗、李吉汉、........ 还有很多~




✖ Friendship Forever!! ✖


8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning ; I LOVE YOU


17 '10
SMJK KwaNg Hua

handphone S.E W705
good result
friendship forever
new style
huge teddy bear

Chit ; ChatsY

Sweet EscapesY

➷ 吴卓羲
➷ 小戴
➷ 蜡笔小新
➷ Amanda
➷ Angela
➷ Bao Bei
➷ Cho Jet
➷ Chong Han
➷ Ee Mun
➷ Eric
➷ Goddie
➷ Janelle
➷ Jia En
➷ Jia Qian
➷ Jie En
➷ Jin Luan
➷ Leong Wee
➷ Li Hui
➷ Pei Ling
➷ Rui Yun
➷ Sher Yuan
➷ Shu Ping
➷ Shu Thing
➷ Sutine
➷ Tsi Tsi
➷ Veronica
➷ Vivian
➷ Wan Ni
➷ Yi Xing
➷ Yin Yean


April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
December 2010


Music Beats

Music Playlist at

Many ThanksY

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